trouw de tijd 21-11-17 aan tafel Nadia Gyr is kunstenaar. Sinds eind jaren tachtig woont en werkt zij in het Tetterode gebouw in Amsterdam. Een keer in de maand komt een groepje samen en bespreken ze hun werk. “Als ik begin met werken hoef ik nooit te denken: ‘straks moet ik door de regen naar huis’. Heerlijk is dat. We wonen en werken hier met zo’n honderd mensen. Toch zien we elkaar nauwelijks. Een keer in de maand komen we ergens in het gebouw op zondagmiddag samen. Dat gaat allemaal heel losjes. De samenstelling is iedere keer anders. Dit keer zaten we op de overdekte binnenplaats op de tweede verdieping. Het is een soort stadsjungle met de planten die we op straat hebben gevonden. “Meestal laten we elkaar zien waar we mee bezig zijn: een boek of een tentoonstelling. Het gaat er vooral heel luchtig aan toe: we troeven elkaar een beetje af met wat we allemaal doen. Ik had dit keer drie schilderijen die ik wilde tonen aan de dames. Normaal gesproken maak ik hele grote werken, maar voor het eerst heb ik op klein formaat geschilderd. Ik was zelf van tevoren een beetje bang dat het te braaf en voorzichtig zou zijn. Het is fijn om dan te horen wat de anderen ervan vinden. Ze vonden het gelukkig mooi. Hun mening telt voor mij: het zijn allemaal vrouwen met zo’n twintig jaar ervaring in de kunst of in de film. We zijn niet onzeker, we willen gewoon even polsen.” |
lecture by Tanja Dückers ...... Nadia Gyr (born 1961) is from Switzerland and has lived in Amsterdam for over 20 years. In her panel paintings she creates calm surfaces of colour, which seem to glow from within. She uses an all-over structure known primarily in relation to the Abstract Expressionists of the sixties (such as Barnett Newman, Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock). This structure leads the eye beyond the edge of the picture and points to the unpainted, rendering significant that which lies beyond. Her paintings often have something of “a slice of infinity” about them, which of course rather lends itself to Gyr’s favourite subject, the sea. Gyr mainly paints from her own photographs – without however laying claim to photo-realism. On the contrary, although reality is reproduced in its exact proportions – every wave, every bit of wood, every sparkle of light gleams in the same place as in the photograph – the artist’s subjective perception quite literally flows into the picture. The paintings appear more impressionistic than realistic – reality here is more felt than copied. Confronting the objectively recorded reality is a subjective one, in which traces back to the documentary approach can nevertheless be found. Yet the artist does not take herself too seriously; it is as if she submerged herself in her subject matter, absorbing the water, the sky. The pictures exude a feeling of generous expansiveness, of something larger than the self, which is commonly seen more in the work of American than European painters and which is reminiscent of romantic traditions. Gyr’s central theme is water, she has painted it in a myriad of forms – from the water that drips out of the tap at home to the sea, she has photographed it all over the world. At home Gyr reads scientific books on the nature of water, its chemical and physical properties and has even held talks on such subjects at scientific conferences. Nadia Gyr composes all her egg tempera paints herself. Every colour is unique, every hue invented afresh. In her work each body of water, every strip of sea shimmers in a different light and the very unique colouring is one of the many things that sets Gyr’s paintings apart. © Tanja Dückers, Berlin, August 2006 |
newspaper interview Vater und Tochter sitzen in der Stube und blättern in einem Bilderbuch. Eine Szene, wie sie gerade über die Festtage in Tausenden von Wohnungen vorkommt. Bei Familie Gyr in Fällanden ist allerdings alles ein bisschen anders als anderswo. Tochter Nadja ist nämlich nicht mehr sechs, sondern 49 Jahre alt, und ausserdem hat sie die Illustrationein im Bilderbuch selbst gemalt. Und Vater Albert hat den Text geschrieben. |
motivation to be part of Scart SCART I had my first experience with a computer as a child at an institute of the ETH. I played a computer game, of corse a moon landing program and the task to manoeuvres the orbiter during the last 10 seconds before the landing by decelerating or accelerating it with rockets loaded with a given amount of fuel. The initial condition was an orbiter at a given distance from the moon flying at a known velocity. A too rapid descent or a free fall after running out of fuel led a crash. This was what mainly happened and showed that our feelings are not appropriate to solve the adequate differential equation. Later I saw the real landing on the moon on TV, and NASA showed us similar computer rooms but larger. We saw the first men on the moon as little figures jumping around in cute suits. The main difference to me was that the game was played without any pictures. The display showed the velocity of the orbiter, the distance from the moon, and if one wished the remaining amount of fuel. SCART is an experiment, and I hope it will give impulses to art and science |
nzz 23-02-2000 |
...."smith * vissers GALERIE" (Noorderdwarsstraat 7) hangs the work of Nadia Gyr (Swiss) who paints in the style of a contemporary impressionist. She paints seascapes in white, blue and aquamarine. Gyr includes brush strokes that recall the Pointillist of the early part of the 20th century. But there is another side to her oeuvre. She hangs a series of Chinese ink drawings of plant life. They are exquisite and very elegant. In addition, there is a series of photographs which could have been the inspiration for her paintings. But she spices them up with an over painting of gouache which enhances both the ocean's color and affects of the light. (55x65 cms., Chinese ink, Chinese glitter paper and carton @ 300 euro; 30x45 cms., gouache on photograph @ 350 euro; 100x130 cms., egg tempera on linen @ 2,750 euro.) Until 1st October. Gould's 3D List